Saturday, December 28, 2013

How To Use Garlic To Treat Hair Loss?

Several natural ingredients can help us in attaining healthier and longer hair. Garlic is one of those ingredients. Use of garlic for hair loss problems was prevalent in ancient times too when the Egyptians made use of this herb for treating several hair and skin conditions. Garlic does not only prevent acute hair loss, but it also stimulates new hair growth.
Garlic is superb for growing new hair, as it aids in decreasing shedding of hair. By doing so, it helps regenerating new hair follicles, and removes toxins from the scalp and the hair. Garlic helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp. It enhances the texture of hair and helps controlling hair loss by strengthening or reinforcing the hair roots.

Interestingly, the more pungent aroma of the garlic, the more useful it is due to the high sulphur content. Sulphur happens to be a prime structural part of many amino acids like keratin, which is the main component of the hair. Use of garlic for hair loss therefore, helps to fortify the condition of hair naturally. In addition to keratin and sulphur, garlic contains other important nutrients such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and selenium. All these ingredients contribute to hair growth significantly.

How garlic benefits for hair loss?

1. Garlic provides nourishment to the scalp and the hair follicles. The nourishment of scalp is often obstructed due to the presence of DHT, and sometimes due to improper diet. Garlic helps to efficiently eliminate that deficiency.
2. Garlic contains certain antibacterial agents that help to cure germs, yeast, and fungal infections of the scalp. These infections happen to be the prime cause behind acute hair fall.
3. Garlic also helps to kill parasites that largely affect scalp.
4. The high amount of sulphur in garlic helps in strengthening the hair roots. Therefore, it prevents premature breakage of hair. In addition, it fosters hair growth by stimulating the follicles on scalp.
5. Garlic is an effective treatment for itchy scalp. It helps to remove toxins and impurities from the scalp, and therefore helps to keep the scalp clean and healthy.

How to use garlic for hair loss?

Garlic can be used differently for treating hair loss. Check out some of the most common means of how this natural herb can be used.
Garlic natural oil – Natural oil made of garlic is immensely beneficial. In addition to its hair loss attributes, garlic oil comes to serve a plenty of health benefits. Nevertheless, garlic oil is generally not derived from garlic. Other oils such as olive oil or sweet almond oil are mixed for added taste.  Besides, the sweet aroma of olive or sweet almond also helps to cover the pungent smell of the garlic.
To prepare garlic natural oil, you need to chop the garlic finely. Soak these garlic pieces for a week or two in olive or sweet almond oil. Refrigerate the concoction in order to avoid rancid. However, you can buy the garlic infusion oil right from the store if you do not want to prepare it at home.
Garlic pills – Several odourless garlic pills are available for preventing hair loss. These tablets are available at all local drug stores. Therefore, you can easily purchase them. The tablets are generally for oral consumption. An ideal dosage of the pill is one pill a day. One should not extend the direct consumption more than a month.
Fresh garlic deep conditioners – Another useful method of applying garlic is to infuse it with the deep conditioners.
Raw garlic – Applying raw garlic on scalp is the best method to help hair growth if you can stand the smell of the herb. If you are able to do so, you will instantly enjoy the benefits.

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